About Glenn J. Waldman
Mediator | Arbitrator | Expert Witness
Areas of Primary Practice
- Mediator Services
- Arbitrator Services
- Expert Witness Services
- Special Master Services
Get In Contact
- (954) 462-2000 (Office)
- (954) 937-4537 (Mobile)
- gwaldman@waldmanlawfirm.com
- Offices in Florida, North Carolina, Washington, D.C.
Mr. Waldman has been practicing law continuously in all Florida state and federal courts for more than 40 years. He holds the maximum rating “AV” (pre-eminent) by the Martindale-Hubbell® Law Directory.
An “AV” rating indicates that a lawyer has reached the height of professional excellence, has practiced law for many years, and is recognized by his peers (lawyers and judges) for the highest levels of skill and integrity. Mr. Waldman is similarly rated the maximum 10.0 (“Superb”) by the AVVO ratings guide.
Mr. Waldman is a certified Florida Mediator (state and federal court) and nationwide Arbitrator, certified by recognized commercial, labor and employment, insurance and reinsurance, healthcare and securities arbitration organizations.
Mr. Waldman regularly serves as an expert witness on matters concerning the award of attorneys’ fees and the standard of practice for lawyers in professional liability matters. Mr. Waldman is also regularly appointed by state and federal Courts to serve as a Special Master, Attorney Ad Litem and Custodian in a wide range of business and commercial disputes.
Mediation & Arbitration Certifications
- American Arbitration Association (AAA) Certified Arbitrator, Mediator and Faculty Member
- American Health Law Association (AHLA) Certified Arbitrator, Mediator and Faculty Member
- AIDA Reinsurance Arbitration Society (ARIAS-U.S.) Certified Arbitrator
- Int’l. Institute for Conflict Prevention & Resolution (CPR) Certified Arbitrator
- Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (“FINRA”) Arbitrator
- Florida Statewide Circuit (trial) and District (appellate) Court Mediator (No. 2354 CR)
- United States District Court Mediator
Bar Admissions
- State of Florida, 1983
- U.S. District Court Southern District of Florida, (and Trial Bar) 1984
- U.S. District Court Middle District of Florida, 1994
- U.S. District Court Northern District of Florida, 2004
- U.S. District Court District of Colorado, 2004
- U.S. Court of Appeals 11th Circuit, 1984
- U.S. Court of Appeals 10th Circuit, 2004
- U.S. Supreme Court, 1986
Education & Academic Distinctions
- University of Florida College of Law, Gainesville, Florida
- J.D., Magna Cum Laude, 1983
- Member, Justice Campbell Thornal Moot Court Board, 1982-1983; Outstanding Member Award, 1982
- U.S. District Court Northern District of Florida, 2004
- University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida
- B.A., Magna Cum Laude, 1980
- Member, Phi Beta Kappa Academic Honor Society
- Member, Gold Key National Honor Society
- Florida Blue Key Honor Fraternity (Honorary Induction 2013)
Selected Lectures
- Health Care Arbitration Training, American Health Law Association (AHLA Faculty), lecturer, May 2024
- Health Care Arbitration Training, American Health Law Association (AHLA Faculty), lecturer, December 2023
- Everything You Need To Know About Arbitration Appeals, lecturer, Alternative Dispute Resolution Section, The Florida Bar, November 2022
- Arbitration Essentials: What to Know About Proceedings Before and After the Final Hearing, lecturer, Alternative Dispute Resolution Section, The Florida Bar, May 2022
- Health Care Arbitration Training, American Health Law Association (AHLA Faculty), lecturer, December 2021
- Using Arbitration/Mediation to Accelerate Your Case: Keys to Progress, lecturer, Alternative Dispute Resolution Section, The Florida Bar, August 2021
- Modeling the Initial Prehearing Conference and Scheduling Conference: Establishing Protocols, Procedures, and Shaping the Entire Arbitration Process, lecturer, Arbitration Advocacy Institute, Alternative Dispute Resolution Section, The Florida Bar, November 2020
- Florida Arbitration: Current Trends and Post-Award Proceedings, lecturer, Alternative Dispute Resolution Section, The Florida Bar, June 2020
- Arbitration Online: A Panel Discussion on Pros, Cons and Potential Minefields, lecturer, Alternative Dispute Resolution Section, The Florida Bar, May 2020
- The New Commercial Arbitration Rules: A Year In, lecturer, American Arbitration Association (AAA Faculty), October 2014
- Navigating the World of ADR - The Revised Florida Arbitration Code: Still Unresolved issues of the Arbitrator’s Jurisdiction and Authority, lecturer, Labor & Employment Section, The Florida Bar, March 2014
- Taking the Unknown out of Healthcare Disputes: Practical Guidance from Healthcare Experts, lecturer, American Arbitration Association (AAA Faculty), April 2012
Selected Published Articles
- Federal Court Sanctions Against Attorneys Under 28 U.S.C. 1927 - the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals Attempts to Divide the Standard for Multiplying the Proceedings in Bad Faith, The Florida Bar Journal, January 2007
- Dead Man Talking - Requiem for Summary Judgment Under Florida's "Dead Man's" Statute, The Florida Bar Journal, April 2004
- Voire Dire Necessities - The Florida Supreme Clarifies When Trial Counsel's Investigation of the Venire Must be Undertaken, The Florida Bar Journal, October 2002
- The Florida Franchise Act - Protection for the In-State Franchisor or Out-Of-State Franchisee? The Florida Bar Journal, November 1999
- The Shareholders' Agreement - Don't Leave Your P.A. Without It, The Florida Bar Journal, October 1997
- Can We Talk? Communicating with Former Employees of an Adverse Party in Litigation, The Florida Bar Journal, October, 1994
Honors & Awards
- Rated the maximum "AV" ("Preeminent") by the Martindale-Hubble® Law Directory, 1991-present
- Rated the maximum 10.0 ("Superb") by the AVVO ratings guide, 2006-present
- Florida Trend Magazine distinction as one of the Florida Legal Elite, 2004 - present
- Thomson Reuters distinction as one of the Florida Super Lawyers (including Business Litigation Lawyers), 2007 – present
- Fort Lauderdale Magazine, "Top Lawyers," Alternate Dispute Resolution, 2020-present
- Fort Lauderdale Illustrated’s "Top Lawyer," Professional Research Services, 2020 - present
- America’s Top 100 LLC distinction as one of America's Top 100 High Stakes Litigators, 2020 - present
Professional Associations & Memberships
- The Florida Bar, Alternative Dispute Resolution Section, Executive Council, 2020 - present
- National Academy of Distinguished Neutrals, 2022 - present
- Association of South Florida Mediators & Arbitrators, 2021 - present
- The Florida Bar, Appellate Practice Section, 2020 - present
- University of Florida Levin College of Law, Board of Trustees of the Law Center Association, 2011 - present
- University of Florida Levin College of Law, Board Member, Environmental & Land Use Law Program Advisory Board, 2010 - present
- Judicial Nominating Commission (Chair), Fourth District Court of Appeal, 2010 - 2015
- South Florida Water Management District, Governing Board Member, 2010 - 2015
- State Attorney (Economic Crimes Div.), Eleventh Judicial Circuit Special Assistant, 1985 - 1986
- The Florida Bar, Chair, Eleventh Judicial Circuit (Miami-Dade County) Grievance Committee, 1991 - 1994
- State of Florida Judicial Qualifications Commission, Special Prosecutor, 1993-1995
Employment History
- Waldman Law Firm, P.A. d/b/a Business Arbitration & Mediation Services (Registration No. G20000032366), July 4, 1991 – present
- Gunster Yoakley & Stewart, P.A. (Of Counsel) (Statewide), April 1, 2020 - present
- Stroock & Stroock & Lavan, LLP (Miami), January 1, 1988 - July 3, 1991
- Sparber, Shevin, Shapo & Heilbronner, P.A. (Miami), June 1, 1983 - December 31, 1987
Associations & Memberships